Masterfully, Venko!

/, Literature, Blesok no. 59/Masterfully, Venko!

Masterfully, Venko!

And the expression of the endless love of Johana to Papa is the supreme apotheosis, the highest holiday of love! Her love joy, celebrated as a child is – a universal fresco painting! Inquisition is harmless for this love, for the wise head of Johana wonders: “Why do they burn their bodies, Papa, when the body is but a book on which passion is written, and the love is in the soul?”3F And indeed, nobody has managed to burn the souls that love each other, nor the “thought of the soul”4F. This is how the soul of dear Johana survives the klada, and as an amber, “moves” through the centuries – to burn again in the contemporary red haired student… For their love tune “smells” the same…
It is said that beautiful is too unimaginable – and that it can not be described or told. But, the novel is a proof that the indescribably beautiful – can be described, for there is an extraordinary, even fatherly care about every atom of text, but there is also the most sensual… “cotton” of emotions. Thus, the indescribable love is described: “You sit, in an unprecedented warmth, (…)”5F. Is there a “thicker” description than the “unprecedented warmth” that boils from the lovers, or the description of the hot, erotic scene when Papa tells Johana: “’Nobody can’, says he, ‘nobody can punish you like this, you unobedient child, foolish, you heated avance of mine, (…)’”6F. These seemingly “small” but loving powerful metaphors, such as “avance of mine” – are a true “kingdom” of love rhethoric and diction of passion! True gems scattered around the novel! They glow at night, when it is dark, for passionate dialogues of lovers are held in a love trance, when Papa curiously and obediently asks: “’Who do you caress now, you cuddly creature?’ and she says: ‘The words, sounds, smells, sun, all the wealth around me’, she said gently. ‘So you are cheating on me’, he said. ‘You’re such a fool, Papa’, she said. ‘You are in all of this: in each voice, in every bit of dust, in every grass, in every smell, you are penetrating into this landscape. I am caressing the landscape, you’”.7F
I know that on places like this you will finish the story in a handwriting of tears. For maybe we are also someone’s imagined landscape, upon which some unknown soul feeds.
These dialogues are led on a higher “sky”, where the author’s love for the text openly culminates; for him it is a royal lover, who should be gently “fed” by his genius writer’s juice! And the triumph of the emotion to literature – is a golden privilege for the author!
This privilege is refining in a most supreme way, when quite spontaneously, a precious ocean of philosophical messages flows from one “source”. The next type of writing is an essayistic discourse, whose “honey” “embroiders” a “platinum” philosephemic mosaic. Thus, the honey-like diamond essayistic philosophemic pieces, axiologies, supreme pure ideologies, crystal essayisms start flowing through the medieval Johana unexpectedly! A special flavor, and even charm to this type of writing is given by the refreshment – the essayisms are dislocated – via typical locations, For example, the thickest philosophemic “waters” will flow quite unexpectedly, after passionate love was made just before. These unforgettable philosophemic “rains” or essayisms start to “drop” and “water” us when we hear that: “I shall tell you, so that you don’t say that I haven’t told you: death is a door. And love is a door. The same door, for even after death you’re still in the same house, only in a different room. Therefore, don’t cry for the dead: they are in the same house, only in a different room. And don’t cry for the separated lovers: they are in the same house, in the same universe, as the dead and the living, only in different rooms. / And they shall find each other, even in centuries.”8F
Such an essayistic “rain” also flows from the thought: “Language is a graveyard of words that re-resurrect in the holly church of man: mouth. The dead speak through our mouths. We only lend them the voice.”9F, or via purely theoretical, narratological directions, such as: “Besides, the reader writes much more than the writer, while reading. Yes, reading between lines, on the white spaces he writes the more important text of the novel, the invisible writing of the reader’s passion (…)”10F.
There is a magical moment, when we understand that the essayistic rain is wisely sent to only “wash” and “rinse” the field that opens under us. It is “purified” as a spotlessly washed street, the precious floor under us, in the novel. As the “poetry sky” “opened” above us, it showed its “face” and the beautiful floor mosaic – of philosophic carpet. The carpet has precious “gems-philosophemas” which are already in our hands, and we only need to put them together in a bigger whole… Suddenly, we fell that every breath of the novel has been put on a gold plate and that someone in the background perfectly takes care of a higher planning of all possible inner plans… The book, the life… And this is done through a masterful elite creative eloquence, but also in a fascinating triumphant gift!
The ideal circulation of this poetic sky and this essayised carpet-mosaic is – the “blood” that circulates from the following type of writing – discourse of detection. Its “blood” is action, dynamics, tempo, events – perfectly recognized in the hyper-energetic “blood” of the red haired student Johana from our context, Here we have a polyphony of communication models of the writing: e-mail correspondence, SMS-messages, but also traditional writing, segments of the novel that is being written. These “pieces” of the novel are in permanent postponing, and therefore they have the dynamics of a crime novel. The discourse of detection is a world of love orders, letters that are made somewhere and should be discovered, parts pf the novel that are yet to be connected… A yearning of every person potentially in love. This is in a time where we always have several tasks: while we drive a car we talk on a mobile, or we work on a lap-top in a café, or while we listen, and we do not watch TV, we read and write…
It is fully refreshing that in the middle of the action discourse, through the eyes of the contemporary university teaching assistant – unexpected warm, human sentences come out.

3. Ibid., 310.
4. Ibid., 310.
5. Ibid., 302.
6. Ibid., 297.
7. Ibid., 291-292.
8. Ibid., 91.
9. Ibid., 58.
10. Ibid., 386.

AuthorKristina Nikolovska
2018-08-21T17:23:03+00:00 May 10th, 2008|Categories: Reviews, Literature, Blesok no. 59|0 Comments