Miroslav Masin, “Fish – Bird – Woman”

/, Gallery, Blesok no. 56/Miroslav Masin, “Fish – Bird – Woman”

Miroslav Masin, “Fish – Bird – Woman”

Miroslav Masin
Elizabeta Šeleva
Jovica Ivanovski
Dejan Dukovski

#1 The fish, the bird, the woman
the finest beauties in their environments.
They permeate on the canvass and mingle
They touch and copulate
They make love and like each other
They turn motley, white, they feel each other.
They transform
From one form into another
And into another
… into the universal finest beauty.
Sometimes the women flies
The fish kisses
The bird swims
… lovely, isn’t it?
They dance hugged in the white
(sometimes I get in between).
They imbibe the love
while the white returns it
reflects it towards us
towards the Universe

2018-08-21T17:23:07+00:00 October 17th, 2007|Categories: Reviews, Gallery, Blesok no. 56|0 Comments