Pure Play

Pure Play

Finally, we have reached the fourth basic element in the theatrical system advocated by Meyerhold: the actor. Prior to giving a resume of Vsevolod Emilevich’s attitudes about the actor and actor’s play, we will briefly point to the specific relationship between the actor and the theatre director in Meyerhold’s theatrical concept. Very often, at different times and at different places, Meyerhold defines the actor as the main, fundamental element of the theatrical performance. At first sight, such a definition is opposed to his proclaimed attitude that the theater of Vsevolod Emilevich is a director’s theatre, a system where the theatre director is the principal creator of the play. But only at first glance. Specifically, since the actor is, to Vsevolod Emilevich, the central figure in the theater, he is the only “medium” by whichthe theatrical director’s ideas can be transmitted to the audience. Therefore, in one of his appeals, Meyerhold calls the actors “living representatives of the theatre director’s idea.” Certainly, in order to be successful, the actor should have great natural creativity, in order to convey the theatre director’s instructions through his own creative filter. According to Vsevolod Emilevich, the task of the theatre director is “to sublimate certain elements of the play, certain characters, each part, into an organic whole, suitable to his own general idea of the complete play.” On the other hand, the actor’s task, while accepting some of the theatre director’s ideas about his character, is to convey them through his own creative filter and transfer them to the audience. The main issue in this piece of work is to study this transmission, namely, the manner of the actor’s performance and the preparations for that performance.
The biomechanics, conceived by Vsevolod Emilevich, is simultaneously both a particular actor’s training and a way of an actor’s performance, whose purpose is to effect the main request made by Meyerhold on the stage, a request which he had made as early as 1905, in the theater studio, and didn’t give up until his imprisonment in 1939: the flexibility of the actor to convey his own creation through his body (consciously controlled!) and his movements. “The creativity of the actor is shown in his movements, which are, through the excitement, enriched by glare, colours and skills in order to stimulate the spectator’s imagination.” The biomechanic system, accordingto Meyerhold, “is not a theatrical system, nor a specific kind of training; it is a part of the exercises in the area of culture.” However, this training is completely integrated within Meyerhold’s theatrial system, requiring the actor to be a perfect machine using the material performed in front of the audience – his body, to the utmost limits: “The material of the actor’s art is the human body, i.e. the torso, the limbs, the head and the voice. While studying his material, the actor should not rely upon the anatomy, but upon the possibilities of his body, as a material for stage performance. “
The biomechanical way of training the actor’s body starts from the principles of tailoring the movements. The theory of Frederick Winslow Taylor for rejecting all unnecessary movements during the work, in order to reach greater productivity and effectiveness, and reduce the consumption of physical power of the worker, corresponds to Meyerhold’s experiments in the theater and to his searching for an actor who will respond to these experiments. “In the work process, it is possible not only to distribute properly the rest period, says Meyerhold in one of his speeches, but it is necessary to find such moments during work, (Meyerhold’s italics – M. P.) which will thus provide the very best use of the whole working time […] This refers completely to the actor of a future theater.” The part which Meyerhold stressed in this declaration is, in fact an improvement of Taylor’s theory. However, Vsevolod Emilevich, in his creative demands, cannot be reduced to beeing a mere imitator of the thesis “man-machine”, which was very popular in Soviet Russia in the years after the October Revolution. It is quite clear that he recognizes the actor as some kind of a machine (one of the principles of biomechanics says: “the body is a machine, the worker is a machinist”), with a very important correction – he lets the actor preserve creativity in his acting. That is the idea of actor’s ambiguity. Specifically, starting from Coquelin senior, saying that the actor is both a creator and a substance to the creativity, Meyerhold says: “It seems that in each actor, when starting to play his role, there are two actors: the first one is himself, the actor who actually exists and is ready to play the role on stage – A1, and the second, who doesn’t yet exist, whom the actor is ready to send on stage – A2. A1 looks upon A2 as material which still needs to be worked upon. Firstly, A1 should consider A2 within the stage area, since it is clear that the actor’s performance depends greatly upon the size of the stage, its shape etc.” Such a structured concept of the actor’s technique is linked to the need for “excitement”, as a necessary element in the actor’s art. To Meyerhold, “the excitement is the capability to convey an externally received task through feelings, movements and words […]. The co-ordinated demonstration of reflecting excitement, in fact, represent the actor’s performance.” The actor-creator (A1 – using the terminology of Vsevolod Emilevich), quite consciously, using his previous knowledge, capabilities, physical abilities and, of course, following the theatre director’s own concept, shapes the material which is at his disposal – primarily his own body. Up until now, the need for biomechanics and its principles, primarily as a method of training for an actor, but also as a principle for stage performance, has only been applied to its fullest extent in a couple of performances (in the Magnificent Cuckold and in the Death of Tarelkin). From this point of view, The Cuckold is, perhaps, the most extreme example of Meyerhold’s work, but, as Vsevolod Emilevich says, “The Generous Cuckold” “was to demonstrate the basis of the new technique of the play in a new artistic situation,” particularly, to raise the actors’ performance to the absolute limits of the experiment, to test in practice the theoretical surmises of Meyerhold and his colleagues.
Biomechanics, in a way, raises these theoretical attitudes to their culminating height. Vsevolod Emilevich said, “if the tip of the nose works – so does the whole body”. This continues the tradition of stressing the need for an actor “to observe himself” on the stage, in other words, stressing (once again) the actor as one who synthesises both the creation and the material from which that creation is made. This idea means that an actor has to be capable of “co-ordinating in the space and on stage, the ability to find himself in the whole course of the play, the ability to adjust and the ability to define visually the distance between actors on the stage.” The actor must have these qualities in order to construct the whole performance in the best possible way and to give the theatre director (the final sublimater of the creativity of all participants in the theatre) the means by which to plan the development of the performance to the smallest detail. One should bear in mind that the whole concept of the actor’s performance, the introduction of biomechanics into the theatre, is, as far as Meyerhold is concerned, only part of a constant effort to define a theater which will go back to the roots of the theater, which will resurrect the inherited dependence of the theatre, as a working principle. Whatever variety there was in his creative work, whatever verbal inconsistencies and contradictions there may have been, Meyerhold’s creative work has, over forty years, been directed towards one unique goal: not to let theater be the same as life.

Translated by: Evdokija Zafirovska

AuthorMišel Pavlovski
2018-08-21T17:23:52+00:00 October 1st, 2000|Categories: Theory, Theatre/Film, Blesok no. 17|0 Comments