On the Verge of Spiritual Decay

/, Literature, Blesok no. 148/On the Verge of Spiritual Decay

On the Verge of Spiritual Decay

Civilizational mistakes are always contrived, at least those fruit of political and social turbulence. Coincidence is an irrational excuse that is also very difficult to wring from a man who has become alienated from humanity. Dimkovska says that: ‘Humanity is easy to love.’ Here the question arises: Why has humanity suffered from man, from his atom, from what it continuously gives birth to and brings to the world for beauty, and not for evil and misfortune? This dilemma is deep and quite dependent on the further development of human thought, but the poet has a very wise answer in this anthology poem.:


‘It is easier to love humanity
When the man next to you is not lovable,
And you have to fulfil the commandment
To love your neighbour as oneself
And you don’t know who is closer to you:
Man or mankind?’

(‘Man or Mankind’)

Lidija Dimkovska speaks the language of the victim, of the unfortunate human soul, her verses sing the human cry under the constraint and domination of the other person, she speaks of the evil that no longer has a mythical sign, but has become a connective tissue of repression and autocracy, she speaks of a civilizational sadness of the twenty-first century, which smells more and more of lies, slyness and destruction.

“Boundary Situation” is a poetry collection that shall remain in the annals of Macedonian and world literature as a great verse work abounding with deep wisdom. Lidija Dimkovska’s engagement in this book has several aspects, and the layers of the verses deserve a broader semantic analysis. Speaking of injustice and destruction as the main mechanisms of man’s evil against humanity, this poetry collection raises the most crucial questions about man’s existence.

AuthorSasho Ognenovski
2023-01-06T10:05:48+00:00 December 30th, 2022|Categories: Reviews, Literature, Blesok no. 148|Comments Off on On the Verge of Spiritual Decay