Poetry – Bogomil Gjuzel

/, Literature, Blesok no. 137/Poetry – Bogomil Gjuzel

Poetry – Bogomil Gjuzel

Flood at the International Writers’ Workshop
Professional Poet
Homage to Stone
The Apocalyptic Spring
The Second Coming
A Stranger at Home, at Home Elsewhere
Breaking Up the Wall
Prometheus’ Eagle
An Island on Land
After the Flood, Them Again
The End of the Century

Breaking Up the Wall


Does the brick make sense

When the wall is smashed?

It does.

As obstacle, as opposing force,

wanting to save what it meant before

in the line of the sentence made with

the other bricks on the page of the wall


Like a typewriter striking the page the hammer

punches holes in the paper-wall

and the letters drop out on the other side

utterly incomprehensible, broken up

even if only one letter falls out

first of the alphabet

absolute A.


The quickest way to break up a wall

knock out all the bricks marked A

no wall or building can survive like that

carry them then to a desert and build

a pyramid there

which from base to summit will shout

a long sharp A

so that the very stars will hear

and the letters will all be knocked from the walls

and multiply to infinity

every one of them differently


Only thus will language be re-made

only thus the world be rearranged

and only thus maybe

a new poem written


As it is

I have only exhausted muscles

dry dust in my mouth

and the fallen bricks—


the heads of those

who knocked their heads against the wall

and still weep with the pain of the hammer


and my own head

against the wall

I broke

-en ME



translated by Peggy Reid and Graham.W. Reid (Macedonian Review, No 1, 1992)

AuthorBogomil Gjuzel
2021-06-02T20:03:01+00:00 May 31st, 2021|Categories: Poetry, Literature, Blesok no. 137|0 Comments