Hans van de Waarsenburg

/Hans van de Waarsenburg
Hans van de Waarsenburg 2018-08-21T17:17:17+00:00

Project Description

Hans van de Waarsenburg (Helmond 1943 – 2015) published his first collection of poems, entitled Gedichten (Poems), in 1965. His collection De vergrijzing (The graying) was awarded the Jan Campert Prize for Poetry in 1973. In March 2004 he received the first Municipal Award of the Helmond Town Council for his entire work. Besides poetry Van de Waarsenburg also writes children’s fiction.

Between 1995 and 2000 he was chairman of the PEN Centre of the Netherlands. In 1997 became chairman of The Maastricht International Poetry Nights (www.maastrichtpoetry.com), a big biannual international manifestation that was held for the fifth time in June 2006.

Some recent publications:
Beschrijvingen van het meer
(Descriptions of the lake), Rotterdam, Bèta Imaginations, 2000
Selected poems (1980-2000)
Skopje, Blesok, 2002
Waar de wegen waren
(Wherever the roads went) Amsterdam, Wereldbibliotheek, 2003
Paisajes Marinos y otros poemas
(Seascapes and other poems) México D.F., Trilce Ediciones, 2004
, Amsterdam, Wereldbibliotheek, 2006
Преку полињата / Over de velden / Across the Fields Skopje, Blesok, 2006

Hans van de Waarsenburg was the Chairman of Blesok’s International Editorial Board.

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