Branko Pendovski

/Branko Pendovski
Branko Pendovski 2018-08-21T17:17:12+00:00

Project Description

short story writer, novelist, playwright. Born 27th May 1927 in Kocani. Graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje. Has been a teacher in Kocani, a journalist with “Mlad borec” and “Nova Makedonija”, editor of the periodical “Razgledi”, editor-in-chief and director in “Kultura” publishing house, editor with the publishing house “Koco Racin” in Skopje. Member of the Macedonian P.E.N. Centre. Member of the Macedonian Writers’ Association since 1953 and one-time its president.
Works: Game (short stories, 1956), Our town (short stories, 1963), Staircase (novel, 1965), The death of the medal (short stories, 1969), Thirst and hunger (radio play, 1969). Plays: Students, Under the pyramid, The flood, The party (1973); Plays: Journey, Heirs and Lovers, (1980); Selected works: Volume I. Prose: The death of the medal and Staircase; Volume II Plays: Students, Under the pyramid, The flood and The party; Volume III Plays: Journey, Heirs, Lovers and In front of the pantheon (1987).
Has received the “Vojdan Cernodrinski” award.

Address: Djordji Skrizevski, 15, 1000 Skopje.
Tel: ++ 389 02 177 663.

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