Some Juncture Points in the Poetics of Andrić and Koneski

/, Literature, Blesok no. 26/Some Juncture Points in the Poetics of Andrić and Koneski

Some Juncture Points in the Poetics of Andrić and Koneski

Stylistic expression of Andrić and Koneski

The fact that the basic principle of the two writers is humanity, order and sense, can be also seen in their stylistic expression, in the sentences which are calm and harmonic, clear and full of hidden wisdom. Under the veil of the alleged simplicity of their styles there is a deep contemplativity, complexity of the idea and vision. Their words provoke a wide range of associations and, maybe, that is exactly why their creative work remains remembered.
Author’s principle that the final goal of the human being is humanity can be also seen in how Andrić describes his characters that shine with their altruism. He fully enters the text, always speaking in first person pronoun and in his name. He expresses his characters with love and warmness, which have characteristics of their deepest human nature. In such procedure he wanted to rise those moments of love and beauty above all norms, cold laws, blind conventions, and to prove that happiness is eternal and undestroyable. Such is the following scene from the story “On state’s property”: “It was difficult to say who laughed sweeter, the girl or Mitjan. They clashed, refused and attracted, enthralled by the joyous splashes of their laughter. From that game, everything around them began to change. Greenery, fruits and flowers surrounded the barren area around the stable filled with gurgles by some creeks and faucets. Around them, the joyous atmosphere spread, created by the game, and with every new race, with every new clash and shout it became richer and more fragrant.”6F
With special rejection and resignation he paints his characters who have accomplished their living by actions harmful to humanity. He describes the egoistic character of Nada in “Family photo” in the following way: “Her fashionable dress of beige silk is unsuitable for her short, fat appearance. Under the strong lipstick there are pale, thin lips, which don’t show her teeth neither when she speaks, nor when she smiles. To Kamenkovichs, laughter is a gold coin, and they don’t throw their gold coins around, but they keep them for themselves. There is something insulted, angry in her voice, expression and in her whole appearance. She doesn’t deprive herself of nothing, she doesn’t feel uneasy in front of anyone, she never restrains, says everything that comes up to her mind exactly when something does come up, not caring about anything or anyone. Because what comes up to her mind is true to her, what she says is a law to her, and what she does – that is the real thing.”7F
Andrić draws every exposure of antihuman forces of destruction, inexistence and death with the procedure of an utmost objectivism and distancing. He described those acts of violence and destructiveness as an unreasonable and unintelligible manifestation of evil. We can find such descriptions in “Stormers”, in “Anika”, in “A story for the vizier’s elephant”.
The emotional attitude of Koneski is hidden behind the form of intellectuality. He has the ability to honestly, simply and clearly express his personal attitude towards matters, and through it he generalizes some knowledge. Yet, he frequently uses the syntagms “my origin”, “clear joy”, “clear pearl”, “soft tranquility”, “warm voice”, when he talks about something that has essential dimensions and moral values, whereas, at the same time, he uses the syntagms “evil doom”, “black waters”, “black glow”, “black voices”, “mournful shriek” when he describes the universal evil, human pain, loneliness, separation and sorrow.

6. Andrić, Ivo, On State Property, in Thurst, Svetlost, Sarajevo, book 6, 1989, 235.
7. Andrić, Ivo, Family Portrait, in Signs, Svetlost, Sarajevo, book 8, 1989, 275.

2018-08-21T17:23:38+00:00 May 1st, 2002|Categories: Reviews, Literature, Blesok no. 26|0 Comments