
/, Blesok no. 37/Pere-Lachaise


Last Fare-well
Lot"s Wife
I reached out
If you love and not feel pain
Scared off by beauty

Scared off by beauty,
And petrified by the unknown it promised forth,
And absence of bars,
And what is beyond the wall,

It was easier for you to cower, and remain
In the rut, your own,
For you even the cage seemed beautiful
Somehow very beautiful

And like a chicken
Strutting aimlessly through the village,
Yester night
You came back
To your coop.

At daybreak,
From its dunghill
And you from your cage,
Both, the chicken and you were watching
Birds circling up in the sky,
And you felt a twinge of jealousy
Because you have forgone the flight
Somehow a very sharp twinge

2018-08-21T17:23:24+00:00 July 1st, 2004|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 37|0 Comments