

A Trial Against Disloyalty. Good Luck!
A White View

“This evening I’m a dragon”,
said the dumb narrator between the lines,
without looking closer at the birthday figure
which resembled a crocodile.
But it doesn’t matter, what’s important is that when read –
it generates laughter,
that’s the long-sought-after effect
in the long-ago-printed works:
not proofread, yet heavily censored
by the best friends, of course – positively,
since otherwise all privileges are lost
which go without saying and should be returned
in similar occasions.

It’s best, therefore, between us – narratoresque dumbly,
to admit that you’re giving up all such responsibilities –
you need no further flattery and rivalry,
yet do not just as well stop creating,
the curious ones are waiting thirstily to lap up
the new hit.
It’ll be a good lesson, not only for the young.
For the elderly, even more.

And in the white night, when you cannot see
even the dot in front of you,
white is nothing
white is darkness
white is blind love

Give me some light!
loudly implored the implicit author
after returning from the arranged meeting
with the implied audience.

“It is behind closed doors that one can analyze
most openly”,
he later inferred.

2018-08-21T17:23:22+00:00 March 1st, 2005|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 41|0 Comments