Lady Lazarus

/, Blesok no. 18/Lady Lazarus

Lady Lazarus

Lady Lazarus
The Moon and Yew Tree
Fever 103˚
The Couriers

The word of a snail on the plate of a leaf?
It is not mine. Do not accept it.

Acetic acid in a sealed tin?
Do not accept it. It is not genuine.

A ring of gold with the sun in it?
Lies. Lies and grief.

Frost on a leaf, the immaculate
Cauldron, talking and crackling

All to itself on top of each
Of nine black Alps.

A disturbance of mirrors,
The sea shattering its gray one_____

Love, love, my season.

AuthorSylvia Plath
2018-08-21T17:23:49+00:00 January 1st, 2001|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 18|0 Comments