In Praise of Innocence

/, Blesok no. 65/In Praise of Innocence

In Praise of Innocence

In Praise of Innocence
Family Matters
The Object Taken
Sent Packing

Our revels now are ended, the dancing
steps I never mastered, once more
un-stepped – wind howls from across

the breakers – the child tucked in is
as the breath the storm forgot
to haul away; let it sleep, let it sleep.

Take it, softly, to the car, then join
me on the wide seat up front
(it’s oyster coloured once again).

Put up the house and let the sea alone
be home to breakers… Let its foam
hiss on the beach. Leave it, leave it

licking lifeless sand. Forget how
the salt wind pickled our discontent.
We’re leaving for another life

in another land, on other lavish sand.
But let that last trunk stand there, simply
on the drive-way. We won’t take

that trunk. It’s packed with all our pain.

AuthorHenk van Kerkwijk
2018-08-21T17:22:59+00:00 April 29th, 2009|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 65|0 Comments