How I Loved You

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How I Loved You

How I Love You
Where We Meet
How We Speak
Where we Belong
What Our Illusions Are
What We Are Afraid of
Why I Am Angry with You

(from the book “Biography of Our Love”)

I love you with kindness
when you do everything
to make me fall out of love.
And again our charade
of acting, silence, empty words,
unfinished thoughts, mime
and fatalism
sails into its
only possible port.
I love you with bitterness
when you open up for me
naked and vulnerable,
I squeeze your heart in my hand.
And again we fly over all
fairy landscapes
of our only possible home.
I love you with passion,
when my hand freezes
from your cold.
You just seem
untouchable for my
changeable love
as you roll it down your throat
in large gulps.

I love you just the same,
like stale water.
Time, distance
do not shift
my love.
Your voice,
transmitted by the illusion
of the modern technology
easily, with a single word
skips the obstacles that I feel
artificially are there.
Time, distance,
new women
they don’t scare me,
I love you just the same.
Yet, it is a different love,
it’s alive, it grows old and matures,
it looks for you and releases you,
it expects you to search for it
one day when you understand
that it is your home.

2018-08-21T17:23:24+00:00 December 1st, 2004|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 39|0 Comments