Golden Angels

/, Blesok no. 91/Golden Angels

Golden Angels

The Ships of Possible Love…
It’s So Easy to Love a Stranger…
The Lies Soak Up…
Golden Angels…
She Is So Reticent…
Cuckoo Clock
It Is True…

It is true, I often use:
“warm” and “gentle”, “quiet” and “soft”.
I simply rearrange them,
slightly mixing them together,
but whatever I may say –
it is something of the sort.
That doesn’t bother me at all. Even
that suits me perfectly enough.
I have a quiet and soft house,
kindly people, gentle things.
I have someone to hold me.
What else could I need?

Translated from Bulgarian by Lina Bakalova

AuthorMarija Doneva
2018-08-21T17:22:43+00:00 September 21st, 2013|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 91|0 Comments