Eastern Night Ripens

/, Blesok no. 07/Eastern Night Ripens

Eastern Night Ripens

A Fountain by the Road
A Waft of Prayer
Calm be the Hand of the Caresser
Noon Prayer
Eastern Night Ripens

From a region of snow
An eagle’s wing
A calm
Smooth body
Stretches in the sand
Over waters whistles
A dense flurry or prayer

Let us leave
Our flint-rose
Our statues and urns
Let us descend
From the warm tunnel of infinity
From the towering rocks
Let us appear

Today the eye
of the mountain is closed

Z. Anchevski, D. Bowen, D. Mihajlovski

AuthorBranko Cvetkoski
2018-08-21T17:23:59+00:00 February 1st, 1999|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 07|0 Comments