Days of the Tel-Aviv Conservatory

/, Blesok no. 70/Days of the Tel-Aviv Conservatory

Days of the Tel-Aviv Conservatory

1. Rythmusic
2. The test
3. Piano
4. The first concert
5. Debussy
6. Baroque
7. Flute
8. Rumor
9. Commendation
10. The last recital

The Italian pianist died and his piano died with him.
I remember the recording torments, the clothing, the bow.
He loved race cars
a truncate-headed piano grows two heads.
The air stood still for a long while.
And for days after.
Silent times.
Converting sound to word
was a forlorn reward
anyhow, the beginning was small
and the end should greatly blunder.
Eurydice was left behind.

AuthorUri Hollander
2018-08-21T17:22:55+00:00 February 14th, 2010|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 70|0 Comments