Beauteous Church

/, Blesok no. 26/Beauteous Church

Beauteous Church

Beauteous Church
Song of Praise for the First Humanization of God

From horrible, hidden, heavenly wrath,
from soil that heaves and opens;
directed simply by an absent truth
he doesn’t suddenly come. He is – here:

under the moss entered the first bud
the first pale petal of a rose;
it is what started to thud:
in the soul is a soul of ardor and dread.

Of such a silent wind you will be the prey,
of such a meek gale without a clear goal
(when even the night is clearest day)

forced by a dark thirst, a bloody beam:
all who you loved, you, he took it all,
and now, simply, he says: “here I am again!”

2018-08-21T17:23:38+00:00 May 1st, 2002|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 26|0 Comments