Asphalt Dragons

/, Blesok no. 76/Asphalt Dragons

Asphalt Dragons

A Kiss
A Pirate Love Poem
Sonnet of Air Narcissus
Sun Sonnet
Summer Sonnet
Asphalt. Nostalgia poem
Blues for the Life That Was Almost Mine

You say that love is like a glass.
It breaks if you hold it
too hard or too lightly.
On the sharpest of the shards poets
write poems. Not
I. I am the geologist of the strata of lipstick
smeared on the glass rim like a red rag dyed
in the bull’s blood.

Translated by Vivian Eden

2018-08-21T17:22:52+00:00 March 1st, 2011|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 76|0 Comments