View Towards the Forgotten

/, Gallery, Blesok no. 39/View Towards the Forgotten

View Towards the Forgotten

#10 Ibrahim Bedi’s project View Towards the Forgotten is made of two basic parts: internal, gallery part and external, placed on the open space. This kind of representation illustrates the two characteristic discourses in his art.
#23 Drawing, object-drawing: Drawings displayed into the gallery space, are continuation of a cycle of intimate drawings, which started in 1996 (Room of My Own, SAM Gallery, 1996 and My Diary, CAC Gallery, 2002), and represent a kind of chronology of the most intimate details in his life. His characteristic writing, consisted of symbols and signs (gates, birds), with dominant light colors (especially blue), brings back to life city’s forgotten time: the Old Bazaar, the streets, the neighborhood.
#7 In this part, in a form of divided cycle he represents objects-drawings which are dedicated to the great Islamic architect Mimar Sinan. Simplified unusual forms of objects – parts of used objects, are patinized with joyful graphic interventions.
#5 Installation: The process of its realization into the unused, forgotten and marginalized space, starts with the melting stone, characteristic element for Christian and Muslim houses from the past. Over this element, that refer to the nostalgia towards the home – the fireplace, the story is told trough subtle, yet complex combination of elements treated in architectonical-sculptural manner. Created from temporary materials (branches, nets), these objects reflect the secrets of the space from Mimar Sinan’s architecture and the architecture from Capadocia. According to the author, the main idea in his work stands opposite eternal, opposite the one that in the eastern philosophy is named as “put perest” (one that believes in the eternal).
#2 Dialectic of the space (inside – outside, space – non-space) and time (present – past, eternal – temporary) is present in Ibrahim Bedi’s works. Connection of these elements occurs trough One hole – window, that subtle captures and directs viewer’s look into self-facing. Mirrors create illusion of deep directed towards reflecting the marginal and questioning the truth.
The emphasis of the exhibition View Towards the Forgotten is put on the warmness and the intimacy of the past and memories, from which emerges author’s energy for creating his complex works. Material that is used is natural, archetypical (wood, stone) and with correlation to the mythical and ritual, opposite to urban. On this way, using of simplest ready-made (carved, used) and natural objects, the artist derives objects from forget ness of the reality and gives them new mythical and artistic meaning.

AuthorMaja Čankulovska-Mihajlovska
2018-08-21T17:23:24+00:00 December 1st, 2004|Categories: Reviews, Gallery, Blesok no. 39|0 Comments