OPAque netWORKS: What, when, where, how, to whom and how much?

/, Gallery, Blesok no. 119/OPAque netWORKS: What, when, where, how, to whom and how much?

OPAque netWORKS: What, when, where, how, to whom and how much?

OPAque netWORKS: What, when, where, how, to whom and how much?

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In the end, instead of a conclusion, I would like to finish with Marcel Duchamp as I started. I remember that in some of his biographies I have read about an extraordinary event, which is a great example of friendship and creativity, whose point I will try to convey, with a slight discomfort that I may not be able to recount most accurately.
After the end of the Great War, when in April 1946, Andre Breton decided to return to Paris with his wife Eliza, his close friend Marcel Duchamp offered his help with packing. After separating and preparing the things to be packed, Breton and his wife went out to do run sine final errands, and according to the agreement Marcel was to begin filling and binding the boxes.
While his friends were absent, Marcel began to tie a box, but he lost himself in playing and started to try out various types of knots from the dozens known to him. When they returned, they saw that he was still dealing with the same box. Before they could ask him, he said: “Look Andre, I managed to think of a new kind knot – I dedicate it to you.”[20]

Skopje, May 21 – June 10, 2018

20. I dedicate this text to Dana, Denis and Jehona.

AuthorVladimir Jančevski
Translated byVladimir Jančevski
2018-09-04T12:38:15+00:00 July 12th, 2018|Categories: Reviews, Gallery, Blesok no. 119|Tags: , |0 Comments