Drawings with text

Drawings with text

he filled the void with sound.

many an image is repeated (in blurred form). there’s hardly a chance that the eyesight shall expand, even harder that the focus shall sharpen. distance has not always been the prescribed fashion. it used to be the regular fashion. some instances do not know how to meet. They are constantly passing each other by…
paralel calculations

my grandma was illiterate. she could no longer even read from lips.she would sneak in through the pupils of the eyes, she would refract, then come back; after all that, she would know everything, without hearing a word.
the eyes hide all of the wordless languages.

AuthorPero Georgiev
2020-08-14T21:22:32+00:00 August 5th, 2020|Categories: Exhibition, Gallery, Blesok Editions, Blesok no. 130 - 132|Tags: |0 Comments