Valentino Dimitrovski

/Valentino Dimitrovski
Valentino Dimitrovski 2018-08-21T17:16:37+00:00

Project Description

Valentino Dimitrovski (Skopje, 1954), art historian and art critic. Graduated 1977 from the University of Skopje. From 1978 to 2004 works at the Institute for Protection of the Cultural Monuments of the Republic of Macedonia. Since 2005 works at the Ministry of Culture – Cultural Heritage Protection Office, Skopje. Since 1978 have been publishing articles on the topics of the history of art, architecture and other subjects. Short list of publications include: The World of Simon Shemov in Macedonian Review magazine;12 Peinteres Contemporains Macedoniens a Paris, Section macedonienne de l AICA, (SPADEM PARVI, Paris, 1995); Ordan Petlevski (Monograph, Galerija Klovicevi dvori, Zagreb, Museum of Contemporay Art, Skopje, 1999); Treatment of the Monumental Ottoman Architecture in the Urbanistic Practices in Macedonia, Balkanlar‘da Kulturel Etkilesim ve Turk Mimarisi Uluslararas? Semposyumu (Bildirileri Cilt 1, Sumen 2000); Fenomenon of the Art of Twenty Century, Large Glass magazine, Skopje 2000, etc.

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